Channel: Wrath Club
Category: Comedy
Tags: thelorbtrumbyjesuscalciumlylelordmcdouchebagthe lorbgodlyle mcdouchebag
Description: Has anyone else noticed that this whole thing is kinda... uh ►Subscribe to Lyle McDouchebag for more videos: ►Source Filmmaker Animation by Vet: Supported by Patreon! The k!nk Shamer - Matt BenBig Merkin Weaver for the Stars - Nathan Kingston The Opposite of Whatever Emotion Vaping Elicits - Seth Jans Executive Spicy Boy - Brandon Moody Cosplay Girl Historian - Phil Genuine Garbage Human - Tyler Schrock Monger of Boy Glaze - Jay Howard Just the Worst - Conner St John The Great Raw Dogger - Marcus Shorten Frictionless Thunderdong - Jacob Hearne Human Gyrocopter - Cooper Vinson Lord of Sykk Ripz - Scion Setsuna Cosmic Stormyeller - Ballistic Kraken Producers: Chris Cullen Patrick Werner SFW Kyeojin Milk Mind Uncle Crumbs Cody Dacian Travis Myers Tyler Schrock Special Thanks: Kyle Gorski, big_cöck_butter_biscuit_d1ck, Alexander Hyslop, Seth Dehncke, Kriegon, Kenny Hallock, Digital Bacon, Theron Hlasny, SilverSky, Comrade of Homotopia